
I'm Rob and this website is an ongoing experiment of mine that's subject to change whenever I get bored of it. I take a bunch of photos while out and the road and around town and will even put out a zine from time to time. Basically, I started posting here again when I quit using social media a few years ago, a change I highly recommend for everyone. I recently moved to Portland, Oregon after living in the Berkeley/Oakland area of California for a couple decades. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions or want to say what's up.

I coded this website by hand using Jekyll for the CMS.

A black and white photograph of a basketball hoop with a road sign with the words San Pablo displayed on it.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
Abstract photographic with blue
Ricoh GRiii
Abstract photographic with yellow
Ricoh GRiii
A black and white abstract photo of a old gas station window with decaying paint.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
A black and white photograph of a wall that's been painted with some white ghostly paint.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
A black and white photograph of an old pay phone with various graffiti and stickers of local artists.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Ricoh GR1s
A black and white photograph showing a lattice work of different fences.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
A black and white abstract photograph showing a black fence against a white wall.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
Abstract color photograph
Ilford Delta 400 in a Mamiya 6
Abstract color photograph
Ektar 100 in a Mamiya 6
Abstract color photograph of faded advertisements with faces on them.
Ektar 100 in a Minolta CLE
A black and white photograph of advertisements outside of a eye brow threading buisness.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
Abstract color photograph
Ektar 100 in a Mamiya 6
AAbstract color photograph of a car lot fence with an old fourth of july ribbon on it.
Ricoh GRiii
Abstract color photograph of an apartment building at dusk with a pink fence in front.
Ektar 100 in a Minolta CLE
Abstract black and white multi exposure photograph of a bar on New Years Eve.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
A black and white photograph of a card table with some empty beers on it in front of an art show.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Ricoh GR1s
A photograph of a billboard at night where the ad is faded.
Olympus OMD EM5
A black and white photograph of a woman in an electric mobility vehicle at the intersection of Ashby and San Pablo on a busy day.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
A color photograph of an old payphone without the phone painted green in the middle of some bushes.
Ricoh GRiii
Abstract photographic of a yellow wall with maroon painted splotches.
Ektar 100 in a Minolta CLE
Abstract black and white photograph of wheat paste adds covered with paint.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
Abstract black and white photograph of an old advertisement on a wall near Albatross pub.
Ilford Delta 400 in a Minolta CLE
A color photograph of a yellow wall with white paint patches covering graffiti.
Ricoh GRiii
A color photograph of a purple wall with silver paint patches covering graffiti.
Ricoh GRiii
Abstract color photographic of light leaking through a fence.
Ricoh GRiii
Abstract photographic of the front of a liquor store.
Ricoh GRiii
A photograph through a window of a band playing in a record shop.
Ektar 100 in a Minolta CLE

The pandemic has kept me in the neighborhood a lot more than usual this last year. Here's a small collection shots taken while walking the dogs on San Pablo Blvd in Berkeley, CA between 2018-2021.

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